Traveloka Call Center Latest yang Can Be Contacted 24 Hours: SSSTiktok


As one of the unicorn applications engaged in the travel and hotel business, the manager provides Traveloka call center to help users. The goal is for users to get a solution when experiencing problems when using products from traveloka.

In addition, users also get the latest information related to promos provided by the manager. So, traveloka application users do not panic when experiencing obstacles. That way, it can be said that Traveloka is one of the best and trusted applications in the eyes of users.

Generally, the call center service provided by the application manager can be contacted 24 hours in 7 days. For this reason, you are advised to directly contact traveloka call center if you experience various problems such as booking codes cannot be used until obstacles when using traveloka paylater services.

The Importance of Traveloka Call Center for Application Users

The role of call centers in large companies, such as Traveloka is quite important. As one of the companies in the field of ticketing and travel business, Traveloka certainly needs experienced call center officers and able to work professionally.

Because, the function of the call center officer is useful to answer and provide solutions to all obstacles or problems felt by application users. In addition, there are several call center roles in addition to providing answers to problems faced by Traveloka users. Among them are as follows:

  1. Providing Information About Products from Traveloka

The role of this call center is very important in building a brand image in the eyes of users. To build a brand image in the eyes of users, traveloka companies must answer all the questions needed by users. Therefore, the call center officer will provide detailed information related to various products to promos organized by Traveloka.


  1. Record Suggestions and Criticisms from Users

Traveloka call center officers  are also tasked with recording all suggestions, inputs, and criticisms from application users. Indeed, as an evaluation material this requires suggestions, input, and criticism from users.


From these things, the application manager can find out what the user wants. So, the manager can improve the service so that consumers are satisfied with the services of the Traveloka application.

  1. Notifying Special Services for Consumers

And the last role of the call center is to notify special services for consumers. At Traveloka, there are several special services for certain consumers, such as Traveloka Paylater.


The service is a loan that can be used by users to buy Traveloka products, such as hotel bookings, buying food vouchers, to buying vehicle tickets.

How to Contact Traveloka Call Center Via Interactive Phone

Traveloka itself provides quite a lot of call center services. Noted, there are 4 methods that you can choose to connect with officers and submit complaints, obstacles, to input related to traveloka products and systems.


For those of you who want to connect with call center officers from Traveloka via interactive telephone connections, then you can directly call at 0804-1500-308. Then, you can also call (021) 2910-3300. You are charged a phone fee if you contact the call center according to the applicable provisions.


By contacting the integrated information center provided by the application manager for a full 24 hours, you can get a solution to the problem faced directly. Because, you can speak directly by the call center officer. Therefore, this method is widely used by users who experience quite serious obstacles.


How to Contact Traveloka Call Center Via Social Media

Then, Traveloka also alerted the call center through social media and official email. For those of you who do not have enough credit to make a call to the interactive phone call center number, then you can contact Traveloka call center via social media or email.


This method is also quite effective. Because, you only need to send messages via direct message (DM) on Traveloka’s social media. How to contact the call center via social media is quite easy.


First, please log in to your personal Twitter or Facebook account. Then, please find an account in the name of @traveloka (Twitter) or Traveloka (Facebook). Make sure the social media account is verified with a blue check logo.


Then, please send a message via direct message (DM) of the account. You can add a screenshot file proof of the obstacles experienced through the attachment feature. Then, wait a while until the call center officer helps you in solving the obstacles experienced.

However, officers need more time to reply to messages you send. Therefore, this method is often used by consumers who do not experience emergency problems. In addition, this method is also suitable for those of you who just want to ask questions related to product services and information about promos from Traveloka.

How to Contact Traveloka Call Center Via Website

You can also complain about obstacles or problems when using the Traveloka application through the official website. The official website of Traveloka is also equipped with a live chat feature. With this feature, you can easily write down the obstacles experienced to Traveloka Call Center. How to contact him is also very easy.


First, please access the Traveloka site first. Don’t forget, register your account first if you haven’t registered yet. You can sign up using a personal email address. Then, look for the “contact us” menu.


After that, there will be an e-form that you must fill out. Please write down the obstacles you face. If the obstacle cannot use traveloka products, then choose a problematic product along with the booking code. Attach supporting files to make it easier for customer service to check the orders you buy from Traveloka. After that, press send. Wait a while until you get a reply from the Traveloka call center officer.


How to Contact Traveloka Call Center Via Mobile Application

Traveloka also alerted the call center on the mobile application. It can be said that Traveloka call center via this mobile application is the busiest. Because, almost all consumers contact the call center via mobile application. In addition to being easy and practical, the response from the call center officer of this mobile application is quite positive.


To connect with traveloka’s call center service, you must download and install the application through the Google Play Store (Android Phone) or App Store (iOs). Then, login your Traveloka account first.


Then, go to the “my account” menu. Then go to the “help center” menu. After that, select the “contact us” menu. Please convey the obstacles experienced. Then, press send.


Traveloka call center officers  will conduct an investigation related to the obstacles you experience. The officer will reply to the complaint submitted to the “inbox” menu on the traveloka application home page.


As one of the largest ticketing and travel companies in Indonesia, Traveloka certainly provides call center services. This integrated information center service can be contacted for a full 24 hours. If you experience problems related to orders or want to find out product and promo information, then you can directly contact the call center. Noted, there are 4 ways to contact Traveloka call center that you can use.

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